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Writer's picture은사시 Arisu Chris

A free email course for growing your business

For small business owners or digital creators, growing your email list is a great way to expand your community and also generate revenue. A high-value, free email course is to grow your business. It can be little effort to share information and connect with the right people.

Giving your readers a free gift in return for their email address is the best way to expand your email list of people who resonate with your brand. However, it is often difficult to provide that free gift and keep the follow-up work steady.

In my case, I’m giving away a free gift every month, and as a follow-up to that, I send an email with helpful information to my readers. One of these methods is to provide the skills and know-how I have learned as an email course.

A much easier way to build your email list is to create a free email course, which is far more effective than offering free downloads.

how to create a course

grow your business

Free Email Course or Free Mini-Course

A free email course is a series of emails on a topic related to a niche in a course that teaches readers step-by-step how to do a problematic thing.

For example, let’s say you have a cooking blog. You can offer a free ‘How to Make Cupcakes with Kids’ course.

If you are a digital stationery business like me, you can provide a short e-mail course to help you understand the digital stationery business. For example, you can find out how I outline the course “How to Start a Digital Stationery Business.”

Why E-mail Courses Are Effective

1. The value of the course

Cheat sheets, printables, worksheets, etc. offer opt-in offers, but they don’t have much recognition value.

There are times when you sell your knowledge by making it into a PDF checklist or workbook. However, it takes a lot of effort to actually make a profit by selling these products. And it doesn’t work very well in today’s trends.

On the other hand, the course has a very high recognition value. People usually don’t expect to pay for a one-page cheat sheet, but they do expect to pay for a course. And most courses cost $100 or more, some even more than $1000. So to the reader, a free course sounds like a really good deal.

2. Provide solutions to problems

Any good opt-in offer should solve the problem, but this is especially evident in the course. Essentially, the course offers some kind of transformation very clearly. It’s a promise to take the reader from the current situation to a place that solves the reader’s problems.

Many people enjoy gaining and applying the knowledge they want through online courses. It is also a way to achieve your desired goal more quickly.

That’s why a free email course that promises to help readers go from A to B is an offer they can’t refuse. So that’s why it’s a great way to grow your email list.

3. Improving click-through rates for email courses.

With most opt-in offers, what readers really want is the first email they get for free. Your first email will have a fairly high open and click-through rate. However, you will notice that follow-up emails have much lower open and click-through rates.

However, if you go through the email course, expect new subscribers to receive at least two emails for the free email course. Since they expect multiple emails, they’re much more likely to actually open emails on day 2, day 3, day 4, etc., not just the first one. And they are much less likely to cancel your subscription immediately.

Not only does this mean you’re much more likely to retain a higher percentage of new subscribers, but it also increases your overall open and click-through rates.

And if new subscribers get into the habit of opening and clicking emails during the free course period, they are much more likely to open and click on emails after the course is over. We look forward to the newsletter that comes regularly.

Because they’re used to the fact that they get real value from your emails.

4. Build professionalism and trust with email courses.

Free email courses allow you to showcase your expertise and build trust through sharing useful knowledge. Therefore, it can give you the like and trust factor with your new subscribers.

New subscribers don’t currently know you. However, there is a fantastic chance in a period of 5 or 7 days to get new subscribers to trust and like you and to convince them that you are an expert in your niche and that they can trust your advice.

And if they know you and feel they can trust you, they become potential customers of your products and services in the future.

5. A free email course is a tool for advertising products and services.

The free email course provides readers with information about what your products and services might look like.

Many people don’t buy a product just by clicking on an ad. The free email course is an opportunity to guide your subscribers to where they can comfortably buy from you by providing them with information.

A well-written free course should offer incredible value, but it should only scratch the surface of the topic and leave new subscribers desperate to go deeper and learn more. And you have to offer it as a paid course or a paid service for what your readers want to know more about.

6. Time-saving of Free Email Course

We tend to solve problems quickly.

This is why I prefer courses over free ebooks or workbooks. Reading e-books can feel like a nuisance and easy to put off.

Think of all the free ebooks you’ve downloaded.

In my case, it is also at the bottom of the “Read Free eBooks” to-do list.

However, the email process is different. Many people check their emails more than once a day. Lessons in an email course are delivered directly to the subscriber’s inbox.

With short, actionable steps that can take 10-15 minutes a day, new subscribers are very likely to read your email and take action immediately.

That is, you will see results. Readers want this.

And if they see the results, they are much more likely to trust you and potentially buy from you.

7. Email courses are easy to create.

Free email courses are far more effective at building lists, increasing open and click-through rates, and generating sales, as well as being much easier to create than most other free ebook or workbook offers.

Most opt-in offers require you to create something and design it to look attractive. Then how to convert it to PDF and deliver it via email.

However, the free email course only requires you to write a few emails. You can create automation in your email marketing service (ConvertKit, Mailerlite).

How to create a free email course.

how to create first course

How to create a course

I have created a course “How to Create a Free Email Course or Mini Course” that can be made in 7 days by attaching action steps.

Although this post is a basic overview, “How to Create a Free Email Course or Mini Course” goes into more depth and provides clear action steps to follow every day. If you follow the steps of action (which takes a few minutes each day), you will have a fully functional free email course opt-in offer by the end of the 7-day course, collecting email addresses and participating subscribers.

This is a free email course creation overview.

This mini-course creation consists of 7 lessons plus bonus tips for the digital planner business.

1 -Choose the right course topic

2-Write the course outline

3 – Plan your lesson content

4 – Write your lesson content

5- Set up email sequences

6-Launch your first free course

7- Promote your course

8-Big congrats and bonus tips

HOW TO get “How to Create a Free Email Course or Mini Course”.

As you have been here for a while, I have a digital planner creator membership site. I have a collection of courses for our members to share valuable courses.

Arisu Digital Creator Club

I am happy to share this course. You can join the 7-day free course “How to Create an Email Course to Grow Your Business.”

As a digital planner business owner, creating and designing unique design elements is a lot of time-consuming. Our Creator club monthly magazine will help you to create your digital planner to sell.

Creator club members get this magazine every month and use these clip arts and elements to create their digital products. Here is a sneak peek of the September monthly magazine

how to create first course

Join our 7- day email course

How To Create First Course to grow the digital stationery business

Enhance your first course to increase your community and email list.


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